Saab Collection |
by Editions Atlas |
Saab Collection by Editions Atlas
Editions Atlas has presented in autumn of 2013 a collection featuring 1:43 Saab scale models. This collection is released in collaboration with the Saab Car Museum. The collection has been released this winter (2014) and is so far only available in the following Nordic countries : Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway. Norway had the privilege to be the first country where this Saab Collection has been launched. Included with the first model are :
There will be more presents which come with release number 2 and 3 :
Latest news:
Editions Atlas has officially released today their Saab Collection in the following countries:
Editions Atlas plans to offer the Saab Collection in a couple more countries. |
Editions Atlas has revealed that they will offer their Saab Collection starting from January 2016 also in the following countries:
Editions Atlas plans to offer the Saab Collection in a couple more countries. |
Editions Atlas has just published that they will implement a small price increase for every ongoing collection starting from this week. This concerns of course also the Saab Collection. Editions Atlas gives the following reasons:
Editions Atlas indicates that this price increase doesn't fully cover the actual higher manufacturing costs. Editions Atlas has therefore made other efforts to cut their costs: logistics, accounting and a couple other services ave been centralized. This has resulted in a sharp drop of employees. Editions Atlas hopes to have taken the right decisions and being able to start with a smaller but healthier constellation. All these changes may explain some of the logistic problems many customers may have experienced over the last couple months. Editions Atlas has outsourced their customer service which has certainly not helped customers who were wondering where their models are stuck. |
Editions Atlas has officially announced that the Saab Collection is now officially available in the Netherlands as well as in the Flemish Region in Belgium.
Editions Atlas has officially announced that they will launch the Saab Collection next January in the Netherlands as well as in the Flemish Region in Belgium.
Editions Atlas has released the Saab Collection as a test in Germany. The test of this 1:43 scale model collection will start with a white Saab 96 from 1960. It will be available for only 3.90 € ( model + S&H ).
Documents used to present the collection on the Swedish website :
Documents used to present the collection on the Danish website :
Documents used to present the collection on the Norwegian website :
Documents used to present the collection on the Finnish website :
Documents used to present the test in Germany :
Documents used to present the collection on the German website :
Documents used to present the collection on the Austrian website :
Price table :
You can buy single models as well as the rack on the website !
Here you can find the list with the so far available models. The list reflects the standard release order in the different countries.
Scandinavia (SE, NO, FI, DK) :
Artwork on the boxes :
You can find more info’s by clicking on the following links :
last update : 2017-11-13