This chapter is about weird models where I have not yet been able to find any kind of precise info's and where I do need your help! |
A Dutch Volvo collector has acquired this 1:43 scale model decorated as Swedish Polis car. We ignore however when this precise model has been released and under which label. It has most probably been sold as a Hongwell or Brio Junior Driver model. But we are not sure and we were not yet able to determine the precise origin. Here is a link showing various other similar versions : UPDATE : Michelle
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I have seen the following Volvo Amazon models only once over the past years. I have no idea who produced these 1:43 scale models. I also ignore if the two 'convertibles' are from the same source. There are a few points that allow to pretend that it is however the same model. Any help is warmly welcome. Source & copyright :
June 2015